Backcountry In Your Backyard – September 9, 2023
On September 9, 2023 the Backcountry In Your Backyard event was held in Minneapolis. Following are links to various opportunities referenced at the event.
September 29 – October 1 – Apply to attend the Minority Outdoor Alliance Grouse Camp – Apply Today This full weekend hunting camp includes lodging, food, loaning of equipment, a Modern Carnivore cap and vest, and one-on-one mentoring from experienced hunters. See an example of past hunts here.
October 7 – All-women’s hunting walk-along near the Twin Cities metro. This one-day event is being sponsored by Artemis Sportswomen. Please contact their local Ambassador, Ellen Candler at for more details.
Click here to access the How To Hunt Upland Birds video course by Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever. This course was produced by Modern Carnivore and tells the story of five different hunters with different backgrounds in various areas of the country who decided to hunt upland birds. There are also twelve supporting lessons so you will complete the course with a good foundation on which to start your upland bird hunting journey.
Each one of these organizations is committed to helping people learn to hunt. Please check out their websites and reach out to learn more.
Artemis Sportswomen – Bold sportswomen creating fresh tracks for conservation.
Backcountry Hunters & Anglers – The voice for our public lands, water and wildlife.
Minority Outdoor Alliance – Cultivating inclusivity for a healthier outside.
Minnesota DNR – Your state’s natural resources agency.
Minneapolis Meat Collective – Mastering meat in community (butchering classes).
Modern Carnivore – Eating Meat Responsibly. We eliminate barriers to entering the outdoor and fishing, hunting and foraging for food.
Pheasants Forever / Quail Forever – The Habitat Organization, with a mission to mission conserve pheasants, quail, and other wildlife through habitat improvements, public access, education, and conservation advocacy.
Ruffed Grouse Society – Supporting the critical needs of woodland wildlife.