Do Hunters Conserve Wildlife?

Do hunters conserve wildlife? This is a question put to two teams recently as part of the Intelligence Squared US debate. If you’re not familiar with the format of this...

/ May 27, 2016

Learn To Fillet A Fish

Congratulations, you've caught your first fish! Now what? In this video we'll show you step-by-step instructions to fillet your catch.

/ May 14, 2016

Choosing A First Fishing Rod

When starting out fishing it can be tough to know what type of rod to buy. Kurt Beckstrom gives you all the basics to know where to start as you...

/ May 12, 2016

How to Catch Your First Fish

In this first video of a three-part series we’ll show you how to catch your first fish. The equipment needed will cost you less than $100, and most everyone can...

/ May 8, 2016
Foraged fiddleheads

Foraged Fiddleheads: The Wildest Veggie

Foraged Fiddleheads Foraged fiddleheads are the furled fronds of a young fern. Say that 10 times really fast! If you’ve never tried fiddleheads you’re missing out on a fun way...

/ April 12, 2016

We’re All Born Hunters…

Film Producer Clay Hayes discusses bowhunting and hunting traditions in his film Untamed.

/ August 23, 2015

Got Beef?

The U.S. House recently repealed a law called COOL which stands for "Country of Origin Label" related to meat being sold in the U.S.

/ May 24, 2015

Make My Meal – Panfish Tacos

In this recipe Chef Lukas Leaf prepares Panfish Tacos from a fresh catch of crappies. Any type of white meat panfish will work for this simple and delicious recipe. Complexity: 3...

/ May 8, 2015

Book Review: DEERLAND

DEERLAND is a book from Lyons Press and written by Al Cambronne. It takes a thoughtful look at the complexities that surround the wild deer herd in America. As a...

/ March 1, 2015
Archery Hunting Turkeys by Matt Wellls on Modern Carnivore

Let’s Talk Turkey

Wild Turkey Hunting Tim Nelson from MPR News reported yesterday on a new program being offered by the Minnesota DNR for those who have never hunted, but are curious about...

/ February 28, 2015